It is really important that you read this advice as it is possible that asbestos is present in your house. Please don’t be alarmed, this is very common, but it is important you understand what asbestos is and how to keep yourself and your family safe
Asbestos is the name given to a group of fibrous minerals found naturally. It’s stronger than steel and not affected by heat or chemicals which led to it being used in a lot building materials. It can be found in homes built before 2000. If in a good state of repair and left undisturbed asbestos is not a hazard to health. We have and are continuing to gather information through surveys, to monitor and manage the presence and condition of asbestos in all our homes. Although we use expert asbestos surveyors to carry out these surveys they are human, and therefore sometimes can either make mistakes or miss items if they are inaccessible or they are covered with furniture, clothing or other items. So just incase something was missed please read on.
Asbestos FAQs
Where is it most commonly found?
- In soffits and fascia boards (boards around the edges of roofs)
- Guttering and downpipe
- Outlet pipes from fires and boilers
- Roof tiles
- Corrugated cement sheeting usually on sheds and garages
- In textured coating (Artex) usually fitted before 1990
- Fire stop panels (inside heating cupboard doors or near heat sources)
- Ceiling and wall boards
- Floor tiles (thermo plastic)
- Toilet cisterns made from composite materials
- Electrical mains fuse cupboards
- Inset panels, fibre gaskets to gas fires or parkray type fires
- Bath panels
When is asbestos a risk?
Anyone who disturbs an asbestos product in their home, causing it to release fibres into the atmosphere could be at risk. Asbestos could be disturbed by doing work that involves drilling, sawing, grinding or cutting into the fabric of any material containing asbestos.
I’m wanting to decorate or carry out some DIY
Check here if we have any asbestos records for your home.
If you have asbestos materials in your home, extra care should be taken when doing any DIY. You must not attempt to work on sprayed asbestos, lagging or insulating boards.
- Do not drill, cut, or disturb asbestos containing materials.
- Do not scrape or sand asbestos materials such as Artex before painting and decorating. You are advised to cover over existing decorations rather than try to remove them.
I’m concerned about asbestos in my home
If you have any concerns about asbestos or think something may contain it, do not carry out any structural repairs or improvements to your home until it’s been checked out and you have our permission. You can clean and do some basic decorating though.
Any damage which may expose asbestos products should be reported to us immediately. We have skilled trades people, contractors and surveyors who are trained to recognise and work with Asbestos safely.
Do not attempt to remove it yourself or place it in your wheelie bin. It must be disposed of safely at a licensed waste site.