Mobility Scooter Policy – March 2023

Lead Officer: Tenancy Services Manager

Version 7.0

Purpose/Changes Full review

Approval Date 14th February 2023

Approved By Community Voice

Suggested Review Date March 2026

Version 6.0 – Purpose/Changes Health check – Approval Date 07/03/2019 – Approved By Senior Management Team – Suggested Review Date March 2022

Version 5.0 – Purpose/Changes Full review – Approval Date 11/12/2017 – Approved By Community Voice – Suggested Review Date December 2018

Version 4.0 – Purpose/Changes Full review – Approval Date 30/08/2017 – Approved By Community Voice – Suggested Review Date August 2020

Version 3.0 – Purpose/Changes Health check – Approval Date 04/05/2017 – Approved By Heads of Service – Suggested Review Date May 2020

Version 2.0 – Purpose/Changes Health check – Approval Date 07/10/2015 – Approved By Heads of Service – Suggested Review Date October 2018

Version 1.0 – Purpose/Changes New policy – Approval Date 12/06/2013 – Approved By NLH Board – Suggested Review Date June 2015

1.1 Some of our tenants may wish to own a mobility scooter, which allows them increased mobility and independence. We aim to accommodate these scooters within our housing stock, whilst maintaining safety standards. This includes safe storage, insurance and the safe usage of scooters.

1.2 Ongo expects scooter owners to take full responsibility for the use, ownership and upkeep of their scooter.

2.1 Tenants who own or are considering the purchase of a mobility scooter and reside in a property where a designated scooter store is provided.

2.2 This policy does not apply to any tenants who live in a property where a designated scooter store is not provided.

2.3 Class 1 invalid vehicles (manual / electric wheelchairs) are excluded from this policy.

2.4 Class 2 invalid carriages (machines designed for use on the pavement, travelling at speeds of up to 4mph) and class 3 invalid carriages (machines that can be used both on the pavement (where they are limited to 4mph) and on the road where they can travel up to 8mph. Class 3 vehicles must be registered with the DVLA for road use) are covered by this policy

3.1 The aim of this policy is to ensure that we:

  • Provide clear guidance to tenants on the safe use, charging and storage of mobility scooters
  • Protect colleagues (people who work for Ongo), current and prospective tenants, visitors, Ongo property and the organisation from health & safety risks

4.1 We provide designated scooter storage and charging areas wherever we can for tenants living in our retirement schemes, specialist accommodation (e.g. Myos House) and the 3 high-rise buildings at Market Hill.

4.2 Tenants will be able to use the designated area to store their scooters in, subject to availability and permission being granted in writing by Ongo.

4.3 Only scooters are to be stored in the scooter storage areas. Any other items will be removed in accordance with our Neighbourhood Management Policy.

4.4 Where there is no scooter store provided, tenants cannot store their scooter in their home or garden, nor in any communal area.

4.5 Charging or use of, a mobility scooter in any internal communal area (including lifts) is prohibited, with the exception of the designated storage facility or on the way to the designated storage facility where the store has no external doorway. This is to reduce the fire risk and risk of injury to anyone using the walkways and prevent any damage to our buildings and facilities.

4.6 Where a scooter store is provided, tenants must apply in writing if they wish to use the store prior to purchasing a scooter. This will make sure that tenants know prior to purchasing their scooter if there is adequate storage space available and understand the requirements on them in relation to owning a mobility scooter.

4.7 Tenants cannot use or keep their mobility scooter within the building if there are no spaces within the designated scooter store, as parked scooters / vehicles can cause obstructions during an emergency situation.

4.8 Mobility scooters that exceed 670mm width or 138kg weight (including battery) will need to be assessed on an individual basis by Ongo prior to permission for storage being granted. Permission may be refused in such circumstances based on this risk assessment.

4.9 We require all scooters to have the appropriate insurance in place. This must include public liability insurance no lower than £2million in case of damage to the building or injury involving other people who may live at or be visiting the building, including Ongo employees. Any costs of repairing damage to Ongo’s property caused by a mobility scooter will be recovered from the owner and it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure suitable insurance cover is in place.

4.10 All scooters must pass an annual service to make sure they are in a fit/safe state to be used. Proof of insurance and a successful service must be provided for verification on an annual basis for any scooters stored within the designated storage area. Should the scooter fail the service, it will be the responsibility of the owner to repair/replace the scooter. The owner will be allowed one month to carry out the necessary repairs. However, they will not be allowed to use/charge their mobility scooter within this time. If the repairs are not carried out within one month permission will be withdrawn.

4.11 Ongo will carry out an annual Portable Appliance Test (PAT) to ensure that scooter chargers are safe to use. If the charger fails the PAT it will be disposed of to ensure that it is not used again to charge the scooter. Ongo Homes will not be responsible for the replacement of any charger that has failed the portable appliance test.

4.12 Scooters being left on permanent charge is prohibited and all charging should be done in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended amount of time. Ongo reserves the right to unplug a scooter that has been left on charge for more than ten hours.

4.13 Permission will be withdrawn for scooters to be stored in a designated area if Ongo are made aware of any misuse and/or non-use of mobility scooters. All instances will be considered on an individual basis.

4.14 Ongo only permits one scooter per person to be stored within the scooter store and we expect scooter owners to take full responsibility for the use, ownership and upkeep of their scooter.

4.15 Ongo reserves the right to take further tenancy action if a tenant fails to adhere to this policy and continue to store their scooter in a communal area.

5.1 The Tenancy Services Manager has overall responsibility for making sure tenants comply with the policy and for monitoring its effectiveness.

5.2 The Wellbeing and Tenancy Officers have responsibility for implementing the policy on a day-to-day basis.

5.3 All colleagues are responsible for making sure the policy is adhered to and to report any incidents appropriately.

5.4 Any complaints regarding the use of mobility scooters will be recorded and monitored. Any trends or issues will be discussed in the policy review process along with the feedback to make sure the policy remains appropriate and effective.

5.5 This policy has been written in accordance with guidance from Ongo Health and Safety, Ongo Homes Compliance and Ongo’s Insurance teams.

6.1 This policy also links to our:

  • Neighbourhood Management Policy
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Equality & Diversity Policy
  • Fire Risk Assessments
  • Fire Safety Procedures
  • Abandoned vehicle procedure

The main pieces of legislation and regulation relevant to this policy include:

  • Use of Invalid Carriages on Highways Regulations 1988
  • Equality Act 2010
  • Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (Amended by Fire Safety Act 2021)
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

7.1 This policy will be reviewed every three years. We will review earlier if any regulatory or legislative changes occur ad have an impact on this policy.

Retirement Living Schemes:

Schemes made up of flats or bungalows in a block/ blocks, where tenants are usually over 55. All the properties provide independent, self-contained homes with their own front doors. Additional facilities may include a communal lounge and kitchen to encourage socialising and may also include a scooter store and charging area.

High Rise Block:

A block of flats which is usually over 12 stories high and is used for residential purposes.

Myos House :

Extra care dementia care scheme made up of 25 individual apartments and communal facilities to promote independent living for people with dementia