£10,000 up for grabs for community groups

£10,000 up for grabs for community groups Image

We have £10,000 available for local community groups to apply for a share of.

We launched this exciting project to support the local community and our tenants, by offering groups a share of £10,000. Whether it’s a local boxing club, dance group, resident association, sports club or another community focused group, as long as they’re based in North Lincolnshire, they’re welcome to apply.

Local groups are encouraged to apply for the funding by submitting a short video to explain what the money would be spent on, and how it will benefit local people.*

Groups can apply from 22 March and they have until 23 April to submit their entries. They can apply for up to £2,000 and their entry video must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a community group based in North Lincolnshire
  • A not for profit group
  • Must be constituted and have your own bank account

James Main, Chair of the Ongo Communities Board, said: “Ongo oversees many projects across the North Lincolnshire area helping tenants and wider community.

“The community grant project is designed to be able to support community groups in being able to apply for money to support the great work happening in our area. It never ceases to amaze me just what great work so many groups do to support people of all ages in such a variety of ways. These grants are just one of the many ways Ongo supports this work.

“I look forward to sitting on the judging panel and seeing what is going on within our thriving, vibrant communities in North Lincolnshire making it such a great area to live and work in.”

Tina Parker, founder and coach of Good Judo Kwai, said: “We’ve been lucky enough to be one of the successful groups in the previous round of community grants, and it made such a huge difference to our club.

“We’re really keen to be a low cost club that is affordable for everyone. With the money we were given, we were able to put on free judo sessions in the school holidays, and to make sure those people that can’t afford to pay, could still join in. Without the support from Ongo we wouldn’t have been able to do this.

“I’d definitely recommend applying for some funding to any local group. It can make such a difference to not only your club or group, but the local community too.”

Teri Kent, of Dramarama, said: “we were successful in securing almost £1,500 in the previous community grant funding and it was a huge help to Dramarama.

“The money meant we could put on an extra show in a theatre setting, which the children really enjoyed. We could also buy all new costumes which we’ve been using ever since.

“Because we are completely self funded, this money from Ongo went a long way in making sure we could continue doing what we do.”

There will be a judging panel to decide which groups receive funding, made up of James Main – Chair of our Communities Board, Avril Bairstow – Ongo Communities tenant Board member, and a number of our staff.

To apply for a grant, groups need to upload a short video explaining what they would do with the money and how it would support our tenants and the wider community. 

Successful groups will be announced on Monday 20 May.