Celebration of new homes

Celebration of new homes Image

An event was held to mark the completion of two brand new, fully adaptable homes in Scunthorpe which are the first of their kind in this area.

Held on Monday 29 April, the event marked the completion of the homes and celebrated the larger, seven home project being in full swing and on track for completion by the end of 2019.

The larger scheme of seven brand new fully adaptable homes is a partnership project between us, North Lincolnshire Council and Homes England to provide much needed adaptable housing in North Lincolnshire.

Our staff, North Lincolnshire Council representatives and the building contractor Moore Facilities Management attended the event to mark the occasion and welcome the new families into their homes.

Homes England supported this project, and North Lincolnshire Council provided funding and the land for these homes to be built on.

Pete Stones, Director of Property said: “We’re delighted with these homes and it’s great to see two families already living in them and seeing what a difference they are making to their lives.

“There was a huge demand for houses of this kind to be built in the Scunthorpe area, and it’s great that by working in partnership with North Lincolnshire Council and Homes England, we’re able to deliver this project.”

David Housam, one of our tenants living at one of the new homes, said: “These homes are first class and they’re so brilliantly built. I couldn’t have asked for anything else. It’s such a lovely home and it will certainly make my life so much easier.”

Phil Moore, MD of Moore Facilities Management, said: “It has been a privilege to have worked with Ongo to build these homes, which will offer life changing benefits to those living in them.”

The homes are unique in that they’re built specifically for those living with physical disabilities, so they can remain in their home and live independently by making necessary adaptations. The homes are all larger than standard specification homes allowing wheelchair users to move more freely around. They have strengthened roof trusses to accommodate ceiling track hoists, and they have a large fully tiled en-suite wet room. They also have large parking areas including car ports.

Keep up to date with the latest developments by visiting our developments page.