We want you to get involved with local community groups

We want you to get involved with local community groups Image

We are calling for local residents to support community groups and resident associations in a bid to help make local communities great places to live.

Eight community groups or resident associations are currently supported by us across the county, including Market Hill Resident Association in Scunthorpe, Caistor Road Community Group in Barton, and Warley Road Community Group in Scunthorpe.

Groups work together to campaign, increase community spirit, arrange events and activities for their local community and to tell other people about important stuff which might affect them.

Events and activities might include a heavily discounted bus trip to the seaside for those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford to go, improved outside spaces with the help of our Caretakers and North Lincolnshire Council, or a tea dance for persons aged 50+ to help tackle social isolation within the area.

Steve Sykes, Chair of Warley Road Community Group, said: “Without the help of our local community, we wouldn’t be able to operate. We need people to tell us the types of things they would like to see within the community and ideas about how we can improve it.

“We’re always looking for new people to join the group too. We’re all volunteers with busy lives and we do understand if you can’t spare much time, but if you think you can help, please come along to our AGM.”

The current list of our Community Groups and Resident Associations include:

  • Market Hill Resident Association
  • Crowle Community Group
  • Warley Road Community Group
  • Westcliff Community Group
  • Caistor Road Community Group
  • Grangefield Estate, Winterton Community Group
  • Queensway Community Group
  • HALMA (Lodgemoor)

To find out if your area is covered by one of the above groups, click here.

For more information about the groups, or to discuss joining a group, contact us on 01724 279900 and ask to speak to a member of the Customer Engagement Team.